Ear?lier this sum?mer, I shared with you how much we were lov?ing Target?s up&up dia?pers and now Tar?get is back with another fun promo, per?fect for those of you with lit?tle ones?Baby & Tod?dler food pouches!
Up&Up is an exclu?sive Tar?get ? brand designed to pro?vided con?sumers with high-quality, well-designed prod?ucts at low prices. There are actu?ally over 1,000 prod?ucts to select from span?ning 45 cat?e?gories includ?ing health care, house?hold care, per?sonal care, beauty, and baby care?like the up&up baby food. And, now, tod?dler food pouches.
Do your kids love these food pouch things? Mine absolutely do! Even at age 5 (well beyond a tod?dler), Big Brother still loves them! They don?t get them often, so I think they?re viewed as a spe?cial treat around here. Imag?ine how thrilled they were when a box showed up full of? yummy fruit pouches ready to be eaten! They loved them! I like that they?re a healthy treat and super con?ve?nient. So handy for toss?ing in the dia?per bag! And, I?m thrilled to find an option that seems a bit larger than the com?peti?tor brands while also being less expen?sive! That?s a win in my book! For more deals, check out coupons for up&up prod?ucts HERE!
One lucky Mom Endeav?ors reader will win a box filled with 15 var?i?ous up&up food pouches. Win?ner picks the stage (i.e. baby, tod?dler,?etc).
To Enter:
Use the Raf?fle?copter form below to sub?mit entries. To enter, click the but?ton that says, ?Do it!?, and then com?plete that spe?cific task. Each time you do this, you get one entry. Then con?tinue on, and do as many (or as few) tasks as you like. ONE LUCKY WINNER gets the prize pack!
a Raf?fle?copter give?away
Dis?clo?sure: This post is spon?sored by Tar?get?in con?junc?tion with the Baby?Cen?ter Blog Net?work. We received tod?dler food pouches for the pur?poses of review. How?ever, all opin?ions and expe?ri?ences are my?own!
Source: http://www.momendeavors.com/2012/09/baby-toddler-food-pouches.html
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