Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Michele Bachmann Has Inspired a Sexy Romance Novel

Michele Bachmann was the muse for a new romance novel called Fires of Siberia, to be published June 1, about a fiery presidential candidate who tries to bone up on her foreign policy credentials only to get stuck in the wilderness with a sexy stranger. "Inspired by the life of Tea Party leader and Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, Fires of Siberia is an old-fashioned bodice ripper romance that brings the heat for the 2013 summer beach reading season," touts publisher Badlands Unlimited.

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Badlands Unlimited is not your traditional romance novel publisher. It's run by New York artist Paul Chan, and offers an eclectic mix of titles, from a collection of Saddam Hussein's early speeches to a set of 1964 interviews with Marcel Duchamp, which includes audio files on iTunes.?Badlands Unlimited's website?says it publishes ebooks "Because you can?t publish a .GIF on paper," plus "reading an e-book on e-readers like the iPad or Kindle means you only have to use one hand to read, freeing your other hand to do whatever you please." Or, in the fancier words of the Los Angeles Review of Books, "As a publishing outfit, they are blurring the distinctions between art press, curatorial experiment and publishing industry gambit, while putting out a series of works that are strange enough individually, but seem even stranger when grouped together under the same moniker."

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So Fires of Siberia might not be so much a sexy romance inspired by a plucky congresswoman as a political book in a funny format. The author, Tr?y Sager, is a poet whose prior works include Dear Failures and O New York. That being said, the press release indicates the book follows romance novels' classic formula (1. Bring a couple together 2. Tear them apart, 3. Emotional justice). It says:

Presidential candidate Danielle Powers, full of firebrand pluck and red state sex appeal,?has the country in a tizzy. But on an international tour to beef up her foreign policy experience, disaster ensues?her plane explodes over Siberia. Miraculously, Danielle survives, along with one other passenger?a mysterious stranger named Steadman Bass. Trapped in a wilderness of snow and ice, the two begin a journey that pushes Danielle to the brink. There she must confront her deepest self and choose between civilization and a wild, primitive ecstasy.

Granted, the cover art leaves something to be desired on the sexiness front ? and that cover line may be NSFW ? but the illustrator nailed Bachmann's suit and haircut from the 2012 campaign. What the book might lack in design it makes up with old-fashioned Midwestern thriftiness. Fires of Siberia will be available for only $2.99 on Apple iBooks and Amazon Kindles. (Photo from the publisher above, and Facebook page below.)

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Will Bachmann pick the book up? Maybe! Her reading list is eclectic, according to her website in 2011. It included Ludwig von Mises: The Man and His Economics by Israel M. Kirzner and the uncomfortably soft-on-the-Confederacy Call of Duty: The Sterling Nobility of Robert E. Lee by J. Steven Wilkins. She told The Weekly Standard in 2011 that after reading Gore Vidal's Burr, she was so disgusted, "And at that moment, I became a Republican. I was done." Perhaps after reading?Fires of Siberia?she will consider running for president again.

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